
    In the framework of production automation, the Design Department ofMORFOMETALmakes use of high tech design programs and three-dimensional modeling equipment as far as metal construction designing is regarded. At the same time, the department concerned is staffed with experienced and high qualified personnel. During the course of a project production, the Design Department is in constant communication with the Manufacturing Department, aiming at the desirable, detailed and accurate design implementation.

    The three-dimensional modeling provides multiple benefits to the manufacturing and production process, starting from the initial material counting till the construction work and it can produce a wide range of designs and reports, such as General Designs, Floor Plans, Views, Cross-Sections and Mounting Arrangements, automatically. Thus, we have the ability to offer both services and projects of high specifications and certified quality.

    At the same time, we have the infrastructure to depict the desired construction outcome in detailed, three-dimensional form and send it to our customer via e-mail, seeking for any comments or remarks. Such a communication method has been proved to be salutary, as far as the prompt resolving of design issues is concerned.

    Despite the excellent organization in this section, the company’s established principle is not to interfere with the work of the competent project scientists. On the contrary, the company strives to materialize their designs with absolute fidelity. The long and enriched experience of MORFOMETAL’s executives allows targeted counseling interventions for solving technical problems arising due to special circumstances or other causes during construction.